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The Tiny Theorycrafter Pre-Launch!
Get ready to theorycraft your way to victory as you explore the world of Solus. This is an idle/incremental game of min/maxing and ensuring your character has the strongest possible build as you explore the world. Unlock points on the skill tree, then use them to earn Quiddity and purchase new abilities.
Be sure to right-click and PAN the skill tree around. Mouse over (or tap on mobile) everything you see - there are often tooltips waiting to help you out!
Pre-Launch Patch Notes - v0.9.2
Enhancements: - Removed all ads from the game. Screw ads!
Bugfixes: - Skill Points should properly update visually after a prestige
- "Jumble" no longer freezes the game
- A few health nodes had incorrect health values (#287 and 288)
Pre-Launch Patch Notes - v0.9.1
Enhancements: - Quick skill point spending/refunding! It's finally here! Quickly spend and refund points on the skill board using click and right-click. This allows you to spend/refund any number of points instantly. Thanks to Renbletz on our Discord for this amazing code change!
Ability Balance: - New ability: Deference
- New ability: Inflame
- Rework: Fire and Ice
- Blue Fire: Ignite stacks increased from 50 -> 100%
- Flame Burst: Damage decreased from 135 -> 115%
Other Balance: - Prestige level cap thresholds have been changed to allow a prestige every 10 levels.
- The experience multiplier for quiddity and skill points has been reduced.
Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where Chaining Energy from Chain Lightning wasn't stacking properly
Pre-Launch Patch Notes - v0.9.0
Enhancements: - Permanent progression! Instead of losing your experience & level each run, you now retain that progression. Experience curves have been adjusted accordingly
- Prestige! Introducing the new prestige system, which allows you to reset your level in exchange for more skill points, an experience multiplier, and an increase to the new level cap
- The stats panel has been improved to be faster when updating, and have some useful new stats
- Quiddity energize now provides a "more" multiplier to experience earned
Ability Balance: - A brand new orb: Light! Purchase the new Light abilities with quiddity from the shop.
- New ability: Jumble
- New ability: Ring of Fire
- New ability: Zap
- New ability: Thunderbolt
- New ability: Nerve Damage
- New ability: Lightning Strike
- New ability: Stagger
- New ability: Channel
- New ability: Chain Lightning
- New ability: Transforming Light
- New ability: Solarburn
- New ability: Energy Cage
- New ability: Essence Transfer
Skill Board Balance: - All quiddity nodes have been rebalanced
- Most health, base damage, create, and expend nodes have been buffed
Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where certain poison monsters wouldn't deal damage some of the time
- Fixed a bug where parallax was going the wrong way
Beta Patch Notes - v0.8.5
Enhancements: - Healing now uses a health potion system! Instead of healing on level-up, which can happen at inconvenient times, you instead gain a health potion when you level-up. You can hold up to 3 health potions (by default).
- Health potions are used automatically when you are below 25% health, healing you for 50% of your base health, and 25% of your bonus health from all sources.
Skill Board Balance: - New Keystone: The Alchemist - +1 Maximum Health Potions
Beta Patch Notes - v0.8.4b
Ability Balance: - Vitriolic Burn: Fixed a bug where some Poison stacks weren't wearing off
Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where movement speed was stacking in an unpredictable, exponential way, resulting in hard-locking the game
- Fixed a bug where leveling up many times at once would cause lag
- Fixed a bug where experience could be greater than the amount needed to level (visual bug only)
- Fixed a bug where agility wasn't affecting movement speed gained by skill points
Beta Patch Notes - v0.8.4
Enhancements: - Added skill points to earn through screen 105! (+10 skill points)
- The General Shop has been split in two: Attack Shop and Spell Shop!
- Overall movement speed has been increased by 10%
- Some abilities now use Logicâ„¢ to determine when they can be used, noted in the relevant ability description
- Bosses (and minibosses) now award all the quiddity you earned on that run so far!
- MANY new things to buy have been added to the Quiddity Shop!
- Added a button to remove the last point you added
- Added metrics for quiddity earned per second, minute, as well as the furthest screen you've reached this session
- Dying now has a little animation and fade in/out to make it more obvious
Skill Board Balance: - From the start of the tree, the 2nd node in every cardinal direction has been reworked and buffed
- Duelist's Fury now grants 25% more Attack Speed, 16% less Create and Expend damage
- Huge Thwomp: Base damage increased from 4 -> 5
- Changed the Improved Health near the start to a Speedy Delivery node
- Buffed the Pious Ascendant, Defensive Spellcasting, Sleek & Weak, Expedited Thrashing, Quick Casting, and Extremespeed wheels
- Buffed all Quickness nodes to have 5-7% Quiddity Transfer Rate
- Swapped the location of the Quiddity Energize and Quiddity Transfer wheels on the far left and far bottom of the tree, this moves the Energize wheel to a location with health nodes to allow access for all builds
- Changed the Magical Damage wheel near the start to be a Spell Damage wheel
Ability Balance: - New ability: Annihilation
- New ability: Bark Skin
- New ability: Beast Cleave
- New ability: Berserker
- New ability: Blaze Kick
- New ability: Burgeoning Stature
- New ability: Burn From Within
- New ability: Cold Counter
- New ability: Frozen Earth
- New ability: Frozen Execution
- New ability: Kaleidoscope Beam
- New ability: Mental Fatigue
- New ability: Rime Dagger
- New ability: Spiritfire
- New ability: Sword Dance
- New ability: Vital Destruction
- New ability: Winter Wisp
- Rework: Mark of Justice
- New ability tag: Hybrid, will use the HIGHEST stat between your physical/magical/spiritual damage
- Abilities with the Hybrid tag: Kaleidoscope Beam, Cougar Strike(!), Spirit Blade, Ethereal Fist, Calm Focus, Ethereal Chase, Meditation
- Calm Focus: Buff duration increased from 30s -> 45s
- Chilling Gust: Now grants a stack of the "Create Cold Orb" buff
- Enrage: Damage increased from 80% -> 85%
- Ethereal Chase: Damage increased from 70% -> 75%, now grants 2 stacks of Dashing
- Faster Attacks duration increased from 10s -> 12s, but capped at 20 stacks
- Forest Fire: Damage increased from 120% -> 160%, now consumes 1 more nature orb
- Ignite and Poison now deal Hybrid damage
- Inner Resonance: Now grants 2 stacks of the "Create Supernatural Orb" buff, damage decreased from 150% -> 130%
- Meditation: Now grants 2 stacks of Armor
- Power Slash and Thrust had their costs lowered
- Rancor Charge: Cooldown decreased from 10s -> 8s, damage increased from 130% -> 135%
- Regrowth: Now grants a stack of Resistance
- Soulflame: Damage increased from 150% -> 170%, now grants 3 stacks of Invoker, orb costs adjusted
- Stranglethorns: Now Saps the enemy for 5% hybrid damage each second, stacks, lasts 60s.
- Terra Coola: Damage increased from 220% -> 310%, now consumes 1 nature orb
- Umbral Fortify: Damage increased from 80% -> 85%
Ability Logic: - Some abilities now use Logicâ„¢ to determine when they can be used, noted in the relevant ability description
- Bile Outbreak will only be used when the enemy has Poison stacks
- Equalizer will only be used when the enemy is affected by Mark of Justice
- Ice Pillar will only be used when the enemy is not affected by Ice Pillar
- Pyroblast will only be used on targets with >80% health
- Terra Coola will only be used when you are not affected by Terra Coola
- Venom Burst will only be used when the enemy has >60% Poison damage stacks
Other Balance: - Boss stats have been completely rebalanced
- Enemy defense has been mildly increased at very high levels
- Enemy offense has been mildly decreased at very high levels
- Many enemies' ability loadouts have been revised and improved. Beware!
Bugfixes: - Massive performance improvements, especially when first loading the game
- Fixed a bug where the player could occasionally get more experience than intended from enemies with certain builds
- Shop discounts should now apply correctly
- Ignite tooltips now say the correct duration of 4s, not 2s
- Fixed a bug where buffs and debuffs were not removed when players or enemies died
- Fixed the Debug Respec button to look less hideous
Monetization Changes: - Added a couple ads. Thanks for your support!
Beta Patch Notes - v0.8.3
Enhancements: - You can now purchase ZOOMIES in the Quiddity Shop!
- New movement animation once you've got the ZOOMIES (or when your movement speed is above 250)
- Added many new hotkeys to control the user interface and warp you around the skill tree. Try them out: A, S, B, V, up, left, right, esc (don't hit this yet, it closes the patch notes!)
- The UI now tells you when you're fighting a Boss or Miniboss
Skill Board Balance: - Added 10 new nodes around the tree, most of them are singular nodes that are easy to access and help fill out the last couple points for a build
- Brute Headhunting's Critical Chance bonus increased from 50% per stack -> 80% per stack
- The Creator's Create Damage increased from 20% -> 27%
- Creation nodes' Create Damage increased from 10% -> 12%
- Careless Formation nodes (near Prescience) Create Damage increased from 16% -> 18%
- The Huge Thwomp Base Damage cluster has been broken up into two separate clusters - the new cluster is in the top right of the tree
- Sleek & Weak nodes' Movement Speed increased from +7 -> +8
- Minor pathing adjustments around Attribute Paragon and Fast & Flurrious to improve access for most builds
Bugfixes: - Massive overhaul of graphics code to improve memory use and fix a black screen bug!
- All bosses now use the correct abilities
Beta Patch Notes - v0.8.2 and v0.8.2b
Enhancements: - Added skill points to earn through screen 84! (+10 skill points)
- Enemy spawning behavior changed to have a consistent number of enemies in each screen, every run
- You no longer lose Quiddity when Energizing, and you still receive the full Energize effect
- The Quiddity Shop now sells another cheap skill point for 500 (this reduces everyone's next point cost by one point's worth)
Skill Board Balance: - Nodes near Strength of Mind/Body/Spirit have been generally improved
- Brawler strength bonus increased from 10% -> 14%
- The Minor Strength node adjacent to Brawler has been upgraded to Medium Strength (+3)
- Boosted intelligence bonus increased from 10% -> 14%
- The Major Intelligence node adjacent to has been downgraded to Medium Intelligence (+3)
- Attribute Paragon's attribute bonuses increased from 6% -> 8%
- Duelist's Fury now grants 15% more Attack Speed, 12% less Create and Expend damage
- Destroyer of Worlds' less Create Damage penalty lowered from -100% -> -85%
- Slow and Steady's less Evasion score penalty lowered from -100% -> -85%
- Agility of the Creator now grants: 10% more agility, 10% more Create Damage, 10% more Attack Speed, 35% less Expend Damage
- Huge Thwomp: Base damage decreased from 5 -> 4, and the Attack Speed penalty increased from -2% -> -6%
- All small Base Damage nodes now have a consistent -3% Attack Speed penalty
- All small Movement Speed nodes increased from +5 -> +6
- Quick Casting and Expedited Thrashing now grant +10 Movement Speed and 18% increased Attack/Spell Damage
- The starter nodes at the center of the tree have been reworked
Ability Balance: - New ability: Phantom Blade
- New ability: Grep
- New ability: Ethereal Fist
- New ability: Plasma Ray
- Rework: Blue Fire
- Rework: Flamethrower
- Chilling Gust: Damage increased from 70% -> 85%
- Cougar Strike: Faster Attacks duration reduced (see below)
- Enrage: Damage decreased from 100% -> 80%, and the buff's damage bonus decreased from 20% -> 10%
- Ethereal Chase: Now deals 70% damage
- Fire and Ice: Changed from Magical to Spiritual damage
- Flame Burst: Now grants a stack of Arcane Surge, damage reduced from 140% -> 135%
- Flaming Rush: Now has 66% more attack speed, instead of having 50% less attack cooldown, damage decreased from 100% -> 80%
- Forest Fire: Now grants a stack of Faster Attacks (has tags: spell, magical), Ignite damage decreased from 100% -> 50%
- [v0.8.2b] Forest Fire: Now has a cooldown of 3s
- Frost Armor: Now deals 50% damage, cooldown increased from 4s -> 5s, cost reduced to 99k
- Meditation: Now has a 3s cooldown, cost increased to 170k
- Plague: Damage increased from 25% -> 90%, poison debuff damage increased from 66% -> 90%
- Poison Fang: Damage increased from 20% -> 45%, poison debuff damage increased from 48% -> 50%
- Pyroblast: Cooldown decreased from 25s -> 15s
- Rancor Charge: Faster Attacks duration reduced (see below), cost reduced to 9.9k
- Rising Flames, Forest Fire, Meteor: Ignite behavior changed (see below)
- Slice: Damage increased from 110% -> 115%
- Stranglethorns: Damage increased from 180% -> 190%
- Umbral Fortify: Cost increased to 950k
Other Balance: - [v0.8.2b] Attack speed is now affected by diminishing returns - check the tooltip for more info
- Enemy base and scaling health has been mildly increased on all screens
- Boss health increased from 800% -> 1000%
- Mini-boss health increased from 400% -> 600%
- Skill points are now awarded one screen later than before - after you BEAT the 'difficult' screen (usually the boss), not just for arriving at that screen
- Faster Attacks buff decreased from 20s -> 10s (affects Rancor Charge and Cougar Strike
- Ignite buff duration decreased from 5s (5 ticks) -> 2s (5 ticks), but still deals the same damage = faster damage
- [v0.8.2b] Ignite duration changed to the correct value of 4s (10 ticks)
- Poison buff ticks are slightly slower, increased from 1s -> 1.2s
Bugfixes: - Fixed a major bug where level-up stats (max hp, str/int/agl, damage, movespeed) did not benefit from %increased/%more modifiers
- Fixed a major bug that prevented me from making significant changes to the Skill Board... oops!
- Psuedo-fixed a bug where Slow and Steady would permanently set your Evasion Score to 0, you can now reverse it, but it requires a respec + reload
- Decreased the overall download size of the game... speedier loads!
- Fixed the color and size of several out-of-sorts skill board nodes
- Fixed a bug with Flurry not properly applying the attack speed bonus to future uses of... Flurry
- Fixed a bug where stats could appear with so many decimals places -- super annoying!
- [v0.8.2b] Fixed a bug with Apostasy applying the debuff to the user
- [v0.8.2b] Fixed a bug where Vitriolic Burn wasn't converting Poison to Ignite
- [v0.8.2b] Fixed a bug where Ignite was doing 60% less damage than intended
Beta Patch Notes - v0.8.1
Enhancements: - Added a "Furthest screen" for your character across all runs
Skill Board Balance: - Glass Rain keystone has been reworked to be the Berserker keystone
- Destroyer of Worlds and Agility of the Creator are now marked as BUGGED and should not be used :(
- Added an extra skill point at screen 12
Ability Balance: - New ability: Equalizer
- Mark of Justice has received an overhaul, and is now a spiritual spell with a 5s CD that costs 3 supernatural and deals 200% damage
- Poison damage greatly buffed due to damage rounding changes (see below)
- Ignite damage greatly buffed due to damage rounding changes (see below)
- Forest Fire: Now has the 'magical' tag
- Flaming Rush: Damage increased from 80 -> 100
- Ice Pillar: Now has a 4s CD
- Calm Focus, Enrage, and Meditation now properly have tags, and are spiritual spells
- Umbral Fortify is now a SPELL, not an ATTACK
- Cougar Strike: Cooldown increased from 3s -> 4s, damage reduced from 150 -> 120
- Flame Burst: Damage decreased from 150 -> 140
- Slice: Damage reduced from 120 -> 110
- Rising Flames: Damage reduced from 30 -> 20
- Forest Fire: Damage reduced from 140 -> 120
- Slice: Damage reduced from 120 -> 110
- Terra Coola: Now properly DECREASES movement speed instead of increasing it
Other Balance: - Damage is no longer floored (truncating the decimal off the number), but is now randomly rounded up or down, based on the decimal value (1.75 damage = 75% chance to be 2 damage, 25% chance to be 1 damage). This is a massive buff to duration builds and low % damage abilities.
- ALL ENEMY DAMAGE at higher levels has been scaled down slightly
- Fire Elemental in the Grasslands biome was nerfed, he was simply too spooky
- Crazed Butcher is mildly less crazed, but still does CHUNKY damage
Bugfixes: - Fixed two memory leaks
- Greatly increased the FPS performance of high-attack-speed builds
- Greatly increased the FPS performance of most machines
- Psuedo-fixed a bug where Destroyer of Worlds would permanently set your Create Damage to 0, you can now reverse it, but it requires a respec + reload
- Added orb counts to ability cards, next to the icons
- The Quiddity Shop is easier to read. And teal!
- The MOTD pop-up (this) now displays in the correct spot on mobile, and can be closed
- Fixed a bug (hopefully) where the stat panel for exp/level would show incorrect/invalid values
- Fixed a bug where shop offers could appear over top of tooltips
Beta Patch Notes - v0.8.0b
Enhancements: - Added a "Total time" for your character across all runs
- Added attack and spell damage dealt, and damage received, as separate counters. This should make it easier to build defense/resists in the appropriate biomes
Ability Balance: - Flamethrower: Damage reduced from 240 -> 200
- Regrowth: Damage reduced from 150 -> 60